
tamoadmin 留学院校 2024-03-16 15 0


Friday is typically the last workday of the week and a prelude to the weekend. For many people, it is a day to look forward to as it marks the end of a long and stressful week. It’s a day to unwind and relax, to let go of all the things that h***e piled up during the week and to enjoy the start of the weekend.

The Origin of the Name "Friday"

The name "Friday" has its origins in Old English and Old Norse, where it was associated with the goddess Freya, who was the goddess of love, fertility, and beauty. In Old English, Friday was called "Frige's day," while in Old Norse, it was called "Frigg's day." The name "Friday" is believed to h***e been introduced to the English-speaking world by the Vikings.

Friday Superstitions

Friday is also a day with many superstitions attached to it. One of the most famous superstitions is the fear of the number 13, which is known as triskaidekaphobia. Friday the 13th is considered to be the unluckiest day of the year, and many people ***oid making important decisions or taking risks on this day.


There is also a superstition that states that you should never start a new project or make a big purchase on a Friday, as it will bring bad luck. Some people believe that cutting your hair on a Friday will make it grow slower, while others believe that doing laundry on a Friday will cause you to wash away good luck. However, these superstitions are generally considered to be unfounded.

Friday in Different Cultures

Friday is a significant day in many cultures around the world. In Islam, Friday is the day of prayer and the most important day of the week. Many Muslim countries h***e Friday as their official day off, and people gather in mosques for Friday prayers.

In Judai***, Friday marks the beginning of the Sabbath, a day of rest and worship. Jews around the world begin their Sabbath celebrations at sunset on Friday and continue through Saturday.


In some Christian traditions, Friday is associated with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Good Friday, which is the Friday before Easter, is a day of mourning and reflection for Christians around the world.

The Joy of Fridays

Despite the superstitions and cultural traditions associated with Fridays, for most people, it's simply a day to enjoy and look forward to. Fridays are often associated with h***y hour, date nights, or simply relaxing at home with loved ones.

Whether your plans for Friday involve a night out on the town or a quiet night at home, there is something special about the start of the weekend. Fridays offer a chance to reflect on the past week, recharge your batteries, and look forward to whatever the weekend holds.
